How did you come of age as an artist? How did you come to your current practice?

Artists are always evolving, but I think the creation of my one-woman-play, "A Great Dive," as well as producing my first web series, "Friendly Confines," were particularly defining experiences. Both projects gave me the opportunity to bring together writing, acting, movement, and music to tell a personal and original story. My current practice is really about writing and producing original stories that have both comedy and heart, with the intention to help, inspire, and uplift others. Stories foster empathy and connection, and a great one can spark a revolution.

What was the inspiration for your Open TV project?

I went through a devastating, life-defining breakup, and had to learn to move on from grief. Leonard Cohen sings, "There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." I think "Geeta's Guide To Moving On" is about accepting the cracks and finding the light.

What's next for you or your series?

We've written 12 episodes that make up Season One, so I hope to produce and release 9 more episodes.

Aisha Hauser