How did you come of age as an artist? How did you come to your current practice?

I've been an artist since the age of 4. I didn't really consider it as a career path until I was 17. It was my teachers and members of my community that convinced me it was a great path for me. I honestly wanted to make tons of money being a surgeon.

What was the inspiration for your Open TV project?

My inspiration was based on having tons of music & footage and not knowing what to do with it. I had been making all this music and shooting all of this footage and I was like, "what am I gonna do with all this content??" Am I just gonna let it rot on my hard drive or am I gonna create a meaningful experience out of it. Once, I got the vision about the story and visual exposition I started to test it out at open mics and other collaborative spaces around the city. Eventually, I was able to come up with a conceit that I didn't totally hate and started to collect tons of research and visual content from multiple sources.

What's next for you or your series?

I am currently wrapping up the auditory component of my next project entitled ADORE. The first video should be out around April 2017. I would say, this is probably gonna be my first commercially angled piece of work. But nevertheless, it will always include truth.

